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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/28/07
November 29th, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes
November, 28th, 2007

Present: B. Pratt, M. Genest, S. Schacht, W. Prokop, A. Ellis, S. Nelkens

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of November 12th, 2007.

2. The selectmen approved the posting of a 25MPH speed limit on Pleasant Street from the intersection of Bryers Lane to the top of the hill ending near the driveway to the Town water tank. Furthermore, they agreed to have the speed monitored and if necessary, for safety concerns, to have the entire the entire street posted at a 25MPH speed limit in the future per the advise of the Police Chief.

3. The selectmen approved an adjustment to the assessment on the property located at 18 Concord Street, due to the fire that destroyed the home on Wednesday, November 21st. A letter confirming the adjustment will be sent to the property owner advising him of the adjustment.

4. The selectmen met with Mr. Ellis to discuss an adjustment to the payment plan that he worked out for the settlement of his tax liens. The selectmen agreed to do the following for him: 1.They will waive his December 2007 payment. 2. They will adjust his payments for January 2008 through April 2008 down to $400.00 per month. 3. As of May 2008 his regular payment schedule of $500.00 per month will resume. Mr. Ellis was in complete agreement with this and appreciated the selectmen’s consideration. The selectmen will have the Acting Tax Collector confirm this arrangement in writing to Mr. Ellis.

5. The selectmen then met with S. Nelkens regarding what she considers improper treatment of her son, Scott Kurz, by Todd Feyrer, the Antrim Police Chief. This is not the first time she raised this concern with the Board of Selectmen. S. Nelkens then stated that there was a competency hearing on November 20th, at the Jaffrey-Peterborough court that was brought forward by the Town of Hancock, and that T. Feyrer, the Antrim Police Chief made various allegations about her son and that he has been acting improperly in the investigations of her son. S. Nelkens was advised that the Town had a copy of the audio transcript of the competency hearing, that she is referring too, and that this was going to be reviewed by the Board of Selectmen and that her claims of statements or actions made by Todd Feyrer may or may not be justified. S. Nelkens felt that after the selectmen review that transcript they will hear the real facts, and that she has already discussed all of these issues with her new attorney and that she will be using for her civil and criminal complaints.

The selectmen reviewed the court transcript, which is public record, after S. Nelkens had left the meeting. This transcript revealed to the Board of Selectmen the following: A. S. Nelkens claims were not substantiated at all, there were no such remarks made by T. Feyrer in the court and further that the Chief and the Police Department as a whole have been conducting themselves properly in the performance of their duties. B. S. Nelkens had requested that the Public Defender who was representing her son be replaced by another attorney selected by her, and this request was granted by the court. C. Scott Kurz was found to be incompetent by a doctor that was hired to evaluate him. S. Nelkens does not accept this evaluation and has asked for a second opinion to be performed by another doctor. D. The court has ordered a Guardian ad Litem be appointed to represent Scott Kurz, and that it will be the Guardian who will decide on what best serves Scott Kurz and not his mother, S. Nelkens. E. At the request of the Hancock prosecutor, T. Mullins, it was made clear that all legal issues will be handled through the Guardian and not S. Nelkens. The count concurred with this.

The Board of Selectmen found no basis to any of the claims made by S. Nelkens against the Antrim Police Department or, in particular, Chief Todd Feyrer and that they will not be meeting with S. Nelkens any further on this matter. If Scott Kurz has issues with the Town, including our Police department they will only be discussed with the Guardian ad Litem, who will be appointed by the court and not S. Nelkens. The Board feels very strongly that it has no business in dealing with this issue any further and that taxpayer monies should not be spent on dealing with this matter any further. This is something that must be handled by the court system.

6. The selectmen then reviewed the final draft of our consolidated 2008 Operating Budget. Each department expense was reviewed and it is felt that we are now at a point to finalize our plans for 2008. The selectmen will review the draft numbers and will meet next Monday, December 3rd to finalize the budget. The budget for Water and Sewer and for the proposed warrant articles will be finalized by the middle of December.

7. The selectmen voted to approve the address of the Water and Sewer Plant to 24 Depot Street. The Water and Sewer Commissioners will be advised and proper signage should be installed.

8. The selectmen reviewed various correspondences that has been received and approved the A/P and Payroll for the week.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. The next meeting will be held on December 3rd starting at 6:00 P.M. and will be a Selectmen’s work session on budget issues and concerns.